I know this is coming late, as Airtel 200MB & 2GB cheat/tweak has been working for sometime now. But all the same, its rather late than never. See the screenshots below for the number of GigaBytes(GBs) accumulated by a guy on WhatsApp.

I will be brief on this one. As this tweak is all about tweaking/changing your phone imei and sending a specific code to a specific number to get your data. Just like in MTN Free 250MB.

How Do I Get The Airtel Free 200MB?
1. Copy this first 10 digit imei number 3590050515
2. Download, Install IMEI Analyzer
3. Paste the 10digit number to Imei analizer and add any other 4digits off head.
4. Tap Analyze to produce the check digit(last number) making it 15.
5. Tweak the 15digit imei to your little monster(Android device). Don’t know how to do that? Follow the instructions Here
6. Finally, send SMART to 141 and 200MB will be given to you.

How To Get 2GB From Airtel?
Apart from the 200MB above, you can also get your Airtel Sim card awarded with a whooping 2,000mb(2GB) F.O.C Free Of Charge lols. Just;
==>Copy this 10 digits 8698780001
==>Repeat from step 2 to step 5 above.
==>Finally Send 3G to 141 to receive your 2GB.

1. If you get a negative response, error message tweak your imei again.

2. Based on my observations, it seems some sims are not eligible, accepted for the 2gb cheat. So if you keep getting negative response – try another Airtel Sim.

Did You get yours? Let’s hear you. Use the comment box below!

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