As postal code/zip code which ever one you wish to call it, are numbers / codes appended to a particular geographical location. Meaning every town / city has its own postal code. Since this codes are required mostly in some online Applications like Google Adsense, Email sign ups, Amazon kindle writing forms etc. And you using 23401 or which ever one you see others use is simply passing out the wrong information(wrong address).
Where To Get Accurate Zip Code For Your Location?
==>Goto or
==>Select your State, Local Government Area, City / town, and Village or street.
==>Then Click on Generate Code.
You can choose to Search by Urban location for codes of the closest city or Search by Rural location to get a postal code narrowed down to your street. This could really help in programs like Google AdSense in pin pointing your exact location for Adsense verification.
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hello Admin, it seems the link to the is not working but i found this one they cover all postal codes in Nigeria. you can replace the nigeriapostcodes with it Thanks
An update has been made. Thanks for pointing that out.