Yesterday, I wrote about all you need to know about the new MTN Xtrapro tariff plan which happen to be the cheapest tariff plan on MTN network as we speak. And today, I want to bring to your notice another new plan called MTN Xtraspecial which offers 15k/seconds flat rate on both national and international calls.

MTN Nigeria

Unlike Xtrapro, MTN Xtra special does not require any daily access charge of #5. The billing starts at 15k/s from the very first minute of the day to all network (MTN to MTN, MTN to Airtel, MTN to Glo, MTN to Etisalat etc) and to some selected international countries.

See: Updated: MTN Pulse tariff Plan – Make calls at 11k/sec, Get 10mb & 1GB

Benefits/All You Need To Know About MTN Xtraspecial

==>1. Cheapest tariff plan on MTN network to call international numbers (Argentina, Australia, UK, Canada, U.S.A etc
==>2. No #5 daily access fee
==>3. You are billed 15k/s to all network from the very first minute.
==>4. Since you are charge 15 kobo per seconds, it means you’re billed at N9 per minute.
==>5. SMS is charged at a flat rate of #4 to all network in Nigeria.
==>6. For now, we are still to confirm if there is any free MB attached when you recharge your Xtrapro line.
==>7. You get 7 days free subscription to Epl video services.

See Also: MTN XtraVoice Bundle4U Subscription Codes: Get 400% Airtime + Free Data

How To Migrate To MTN Xtraspecial Tariff Plan?

Its quite simple. To migrate to Xtra special, simply dial the subscription code: *408# on your phone or text 408 to 131

mtn Xtraspecial migration code
mtn Xtraspecial migration code

Remember first migration to any MTN call tariff plan within a month is free while subsequent migration to other plans before 30 days from your last migration to current plan attracts a fee of N100.