Don’t be amazed that I said “How to Use Your Smartphone as a Universal Remote Control For All Your Appliances” Yes!, you can use your Smartphone as a remote control for TV set, DVD, AC and any other appliances.
Do you know about Peel Smart Remote? Peel Smart Remote app allow you to use your Smartphone as a TV remote controller which can also controls different gadgets that uses remote. I can shock you now that this is already installed on Samsung Galaxy S6 and S7 while most people have never even bother to open it because they don’t know what it does.
Peel Smart Remote can be used as infrared pinger on the top of your phone to send signals to your TV, You can turn on your TV then change channels from your phone without ever touching your remote, I know this is amazing but don’t be amazed, it’s technology as we all know
If you want to do try this, all you have to do is to get you Smartphone which has IR blaster , It also called “Infrared blaster”
Download IR blaster for Android here
Download IR blaster for IOS here
After downloading that, Now let me show you how to set it up. Follow the steps on how to set it up below
1. Open the peel smart TV app you just downloaded
2. Click on “Start”
3. Choose your cable provider (If you do not have a cable provider, choose “Broadcast or Over the Air”)
4. Next choose your gender and age range. (This is how Peel personalizes recommendations for shows and movies to watch)
5. Now turn off your TV
6. Select “Yes, My TV is Off”
7. Select your TV Brand, then select “Next”
8. Press the power button labeled “Button 1”, make sure your HTC One M9 is pointed at the TV.
9. If your TV turned on, press “YES”.
10.Now you’ll do the same for your cable or satellite box
11.Next you can sign in with Facebook or Google to save your settings and back them up as well. You can opt out of that.
12.Choose the packages and languages you are subscribed to through Comcast.
13.Now Clikc on “Done”.
14. And now, you are good go go.
It may look difficult but pretty simple, If you are having problem in setting it up, Kindly drop your COMMENT.