Normally, Some of us may not have issue with knowing your number while some will find it difficult to know their number but the question is that if probably you are doubting your number, do you know how to check it on your phone? Today, I will show you the code to check your phone number on MTN, Etisalat, Airtel And Glo
Checking of phone number on your phone is not something hard but for those people that do not know it, I have to write this article and it is also necessary to know your phone number off-hand.
Dial *123# and follow onscreen process that follows. Respond with option 1, then send to select My tools option. Then select option 5 in My Tools to request My Number. This will display your phone number on the screen.
Simply dial *248# and your number will be displayed.
Dial *135*8# and your number displays on your screen or dial 1244 to listen to it.
To check and know your mobile phone number on Airtel, dial *121#
>> Follow the onscreen instruction, Select 1, and send for My Account option.
>> select 1 again and send as My Number option.
>> Your phone number will be displayed to you on the screen. You can write it out and save somewhere.
Those are the codes above to check your phone number with your mobile phone on different networks.