I so much love MMM, am really enjoying MMM right now…though when I wanted to join, it felt reluctant but I just encourage myself and give it and trial and uptill now am still into it, am “providing help” and “Getting help” on MMM,
MMM is the Community where people trust and help each other. That’s why it uses a principle — “only one account for one person”. Only a person of legal age is allowed to participate in MMM. The one who creates multiple accounts, and in this way tries to obtain additional, not provided in the rules bonuses — deceives their colleagues and friends, and in the end — themselves. Such frauds will be blocked once and for all and immediately expelled from our Community! We need only honest people who change the world for the better!
But If you haven’t violated the rules but your account has been blocked, you should write to the Support and attach screenshots of your problem. You might have been suspected of unfair participation and automatically blocked by the system. Now let’s check out some of MMM golden rules… NOTE: Don’t have the intension on scamming because if you are caught with scamming habit on MMM, you will face the penalty so check out the rules you need the know before joining MMM.
’t have the intension on scamming because if you are caught with scamming habit on MMM, you will face the penalty so check out the rules you need the know before joining MMM.
’t have the intension on scamming because if you are caught with scamming habit on MMM, you will face the penalty so check out the rules you need the know before joining MMM.
>>Do not share emails or bank details with other members
PENALTY: You will all be blocked from “getting help” (GH) until you indentify yourself with genuine proof.
>>Do not delay in paying for your other
PENALTY: You will be blocked with immediate effect.
>>Do not edit your bank details and also changing your password less than 15 days getting help
PENALTY: your getting help (GH) will be delayed for 14 days
>> Do not click on “I refuse to make payment” button for more than once a month
PENALTY: You will be blocked
>>Do not make deposit and fail to attach Proof Of payment (POP)
PENALTY: You will be blocked
>>Do not fail to confirm your payment
PENALTY: You will be blocked.
>>Always remember to write the letter of happiness after every GH “getting help” . Maximum days to write it is 3 days.
PENALTY: you will be blocked
>> Do not have multiple account , you can provide help (PH) as many times as you want with single MMM account
PENALTY: All account will be permanently blocked.
I want you all as an active MMM member or you want to join MMM to study these rules above carefully.