Hello, dear readers, we are pleased to announce to you all the addition of one of our tech blogs NaijaTechLovers.com into TechDavids.com.

This is to enable us have extra-time to be able to serve you better in providing detailed posts for solutions to tech related problems which has been our watchword from day one.
NaijaTechLovers & Techdavids merge
After the merge, all NaijaTechLovers posts were imported into Techdavids and a redirection was put in place. Meaning visitors from Naijatechlovers are automatically brought into TechDavids.com.

If you clicked to view a post on NaijaTechLovers, and was redirected here, pls don’t be annoyed. You can still read that post here as all NaijaTechLovers post has been moved to Techdavids. 
NaijaTechLovers & Techdavids merge 2

All you have to do is use the search bar at the top right-hand side of this blog as seen in the image above to search for that same post topic. You will find it here.