It seems this is the latest trend now. Airtel over charges its customers of data usage. Especially on the Airtel 1+1 data bundle plan of 4GB for N1500 valid for 2month which was discontinued and later made accessible again. 

I actually never did take it serious on till i saw yomiprof write about it. Still don’t get me? Thats Okay this is how it goes; You buy data today, you download something of 5mb and 20mb is deducted from your data balance. Get it?

Sure you do. But this time Airtel don’t care if you downloaded anything or not. They just deduct your data as they please. And you end up loosing almost everything just by using BBM, Whatsapp, Instagram or browsing Facebook, Twitter etc. which is not suppose to be so.

Solution To This Airtel Dubious Data Charges
==>Tweak your phones Imei to blackberry imei using the methods listed Here
==>Insert your Airtel sim to the sim slot with the BB imei
==>Subscribe for Airtel data plan.  

The data charges should now go back to normal. It is so because the plan is actually a blackberry plan not Android. So changing your Android phone imei to BB imei will make the abnormal calculator Airtel is using to calculate this plan’s data charges, to think its a blackberry and calculate it properly. Android users don suffer!!!

Your data connection / download speed may reduce a little. But its worth it. 

Alternatively you may just shone Airtel 4GB for N1500 plan completely and go for any of the plans below