ETISALAT Blackberry 10 data / subscription plan[what to expect]

Etisalat has revealed data plans for BlackBerry 10 phones. The  BlackBerry 10 plans will enable owners of BlackBerry 10 devices like the BlackBerry Q5 and Z10 enjoy data services on the Etisalat network. Here you will find Etisalat BlackBerry 10 plans with their activation codes. Also we are gonna test it on android phone via tunneling app to see if the above limited data can be bypassed. so keep checking the blog for latest update.

Name of BlackBerry Plan Duration Maximum Data Access Code Price
Etisalat BB10 Max – Month 30 days 1.5 GB SMS MMax to 399 or
Dial *599*4#
3000 Naira
Etisalat BB10 Max – Week 7 days 360MB SMS WMax to 399 or
Dial *599*8#
1100 Naira
Etisalat BB10 Max – Day 24 Hours 50 MB SMS DMax to 399 or
Dial *599*7#
200 Naira
Etisalat BB10 Mid – Month 30 days 500MB SMS MMid to 399 or
Dial *599*3#
1500 Naira
Etisalat BB10 Mid – Week 7 days 125 MB SMS WMid to 399 or
Dial *599*3*1#
550 Naira
Etisalat BB10 Mid – Day 24 hours 15 MB SMS DMid to 399 or
Dial *599*3*2#
100 Naira
Etisalat BB10 Lite – Month 30 days 260MB SMS MLite to 399 or
Dial *599*2#
1000 Naira
Etisalat BB10 Lite – Week 7 days 70MB SMS WLite to 399 or
Dial *599*2*1#
100 Naira
Etisalat BB10 Lite – Day 24 hours 10MB SMS DLite to 399 or
Dial *599*2*2#
70 Naira

etisalat bb10