Some people uses fake facebook profile to hack facebook account or for fraudulent activities. Sometimes fake people on facebook is a little bit annoying, especially when they started posting a post in our timeline or in their timeline and displayed in our home as recent post. The fake facebook profile are sometimes used by malicious people to gain information about ourselves, this fake facebook profile often used by internet predators to cheat the victim about their real picture and they start gaining benefit from the situation.

Below is the Step by step guide on how to detect fake facebook profile picture:

1. Open facebook profile that you are suspecting. In this example I have one suspect who just created a new facebook account with fake profile pix and  her friend list was rocketing day by day.

fake facebook account image search

2. To detect fake facebook profile we need the help from Google images (

Drag the suspected fake facebook profile picture to Google images search page.

fake facebook account image search

3. Google images will automatically search the image we provided.

fake facebook account image

If you find out that the image result is more than one, then it’s definitely a fake facebook account…… thanks. hope it helps.

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