Glo Unlimited 0.00KB Free Browsing Trick is here
Not long ago, I wrote a post on airtel unlimited free browsing trick. But so many people were unable to use it ‘cus it was sim selective, now its Glo’s turn. So kindly follow the below setup to get yours running.
First we need to know if our sim is eligible for the FBT or not cus it doesnt work on all sim but works on all new sim. to know if your old Glo sim will support the fbt make sure u have no data and credit on the line and visit or any site. If you are redirected to then you are good to go but if you are being redirected to then it wont work for you. so to make it work for you on that line, you need to click the Menu button at the homepage then click on payGo option, restart your phone. once all that has been done, just go ahead and create a Glo personal configuration Goto your phone settings>>Access point settings and create new one as below
Name: NTL
APN: gloflat
APN TYPE: default,supl
Proxy: leave it blank, don’t touch it
Port: dont touch it aswell.
Username: flat
Password: flat
Aunthentication Type: PAP
APN protocol: IPV4
Name: NTL
APN: glosecure
APN TYPE: default,supl
Proxy: leave it blank, don’t touch it
Port: dont touch it aswell
Username: wap
Password: wap
Aunthentication Type: PAP
APN protocol: IPV4
Save and activate it.
Now open your Psiphon,Syphon shield,Netify or Tweakware and configure this way
Remote Port[tick it]
Proxy Type: Real Host
Proxy Server:
Leave every other thing untouched and goto More option or other settings and untick Use HTTP proxy. Connect and wait for like 30 to 45seconds to get connected. Viola! you are on the Next Generation Network.Glo Unlimited!!!!………………. Enjoy while it last. dont forget to share and leave a comment.
you are welcome.