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As a blogger, traffic is a necessity just as food is to the body. To get this, their are things you need to do in your blog to get it. Things like optimizing your blog for seo, maximum utilization of social media and so on. However, when you finally get this traffic, there are things you need to have in your blogger blog or wordpress blog to be able to keep it. And not just to keep it but to also make sure your blogs bounce rate is kept at bay.
This things include the application of certain widgets to your blog which include popular post widget, recent post widget, related post widget, email sign up forms etc. But for today, we will be talking about that of Recent post post widget.
So without wasting time, if you love the cute blogger recent post widget showing here at NaijaTechLovers, (see image above) below is a detailed tutorial on how to get the same widget installed to your blog in minutes so it can help you keep your traffic once you get them.
Steps To Install Our Cute Blogger Recent Post Widget
Its pretty simple. Just follow the easy steps below
==>1. First, goto your blogger dashboard
==>2. Select the blog you wish to implement the code on (thats if you have multiple blogs on that account)
==>3. Go to Layout and then click on Add a Gadget on the sidebar you wish to add the recent post widget to.
==>4. Scroll down through the pop up list and click on HTML/JavaScrip. (see screenshot below)
==>5. When it opens up, write Recent Post in the Title area and then, copy and paste the below code into the content area (big box) and click save.
==>6. When done, visit your blog and view it.
Your blog readers will love it. And since the recent post widget is a bit flashy, be sure it will catch the eyes of every new visitor and lead to a jump in your blogger blog page view.
I’ve done my part. kindly sharethis to help other find and use it too.