Hello guys, as you all know it’s been a while since I publish a post on FBT. well this is as a result of fbt scarcity and besides, almost all the ISP now offers cheaper data. But today, I’m gonna be drooping a new super fast etisalat unlimited free browsing configuration with detailed screen shot. For those of you who has glo but doesn’t know if there is any fbt for glo, you can check this post on Glo Unlimited 0.00KB Free Browsing Trick as it is still working perfectly. So lets get started.
Go to your phone settings and create a new apn settings as follows:
Apn: etisalat
Proxy: blank(leave it empty)
port : blank(leave it empty)
Username: blank (leave it empty)
Password:blank (leave it empty)
Save it.
Then open your psiphon or any other tunnelling app such as netify, syphon shield e.t.c and cofigure it as follows
>> Proxy type : Real Host >> Proxy Server http://ent.nxtfwd.com/s/d/etisalat_ng#openModal
>> Real Proxy Type : inject
Then click on save.
then go to options>more options and untick connect through HTTP.
>> Real Proxy Type : inject
Then click on save.
then go to options>more options and untick connect through HTTP.
finally go back and hit the connect button. wait for some seconds till it connects. tested and working perfectly…… do like and share with your friends.