In order to maintain sanity in the Get Help Worldwide community and to keep it from sinking, there are some strict regulations guiding the operations among members. And as usual, the regulations are bound to be flouted if the corresponding penalties for doing so are not well spelled out. Those penalties serve as a deterrent for those who may want to exploit the system.
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Let us now put the rules in perspective vis-à-vis penalties.
• If you make a Pledge to Provide Help, you should not cancel it. If you cancel the offer before you are paired, the penalty for that is 5% deduction from your Credibility Score.
• If you make a Pledge to Provide Help and you have been paired with a member that you will give the money to, you must make the payment before the expiration of the given date. If you ask for a 1-day extension to the time you are to make the payment and the member approves it in his account, the penalty for this is that you forfeit 25% of your Credibility Score.
• You must not supply false profile information at the time of your registration or upload a wrong profile picture. If you do and this is discovered, the penalty for that is that 50% of your Credibility Score will be deducted.
• If you do not upload any picture, you have denied the member giving you Help the joy of knowing the member he or she is helping, the penalty for that is a reduction from the percentage of your bonus.
• If you make a Pledge to Provide Help and you have been paired to with another member you are to give help to, you must not fail to provide help before the expiration of the date and the probable extension you may request. If you fail, your Credibility Score Card will be erased to zero.
• Once you begin making a Pledge to Provide Help to the tune of a particular amount, you cannot go below the amount of provided help the next time you want to offer to help. This makes room for continuous growth of the community.
• No member is allowed to have more than one account. If it is discovered that a member tries to circumvent these regulations and tries to create another account, the penalty for that is that your credibility score card will be reduced to zero in addition to closing that account.
• After you receive a Help, you are to make another Pledge to Provide Help immediately. If you do not make a new Pledge within three days of receiving help, after the 3rd day the system will start to debit your Credibility Score.
You will observe that most of the penalties for various breaches of regulations are meted out in a deduction of the Credibility Score. Credibility Score value is a key input for the “automatic pairing and assigning control system”; this system is the one solely used in assigning matchings to requests and vice versa.
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It is members with higher Credibility Score that have higher priority for paring. That is why every participant is always careful not to engage in any practice that will affect his or her Credibility Score in a negative way.
As a matter of fact, once your Credibility Score card reads zero, your account or profile gets suspended immediately. A suspension of profile means that you will not be able to give help on or receive help from GHW platform. That is an indirect way of saying that you have been expelled from the community.
However, before you have your membership indefinitely terminated, there is an allowance for error of omission. You can resolve any of the above violations if you acted in ignorance. You will have to send an email to for resolution. After explaining your case, it will be treated on its own merit to determine the extent of culpability.
In order to minimize the chances of mistakenly breaking the rules, you need to read about how GHW works by clicking here.
Read more about the meaning of terminologies being used on GHW.
I think rather than serving as a repellent, the regulations, and accompanying penalties, should imbue confidence in the observers and those contemplating joining the money-spinning community since the rules are meant to protect the community from bankruptcy.