What is MTN callerfeel?
Just like MTN DIY services that enables you to create personalized caller tunes for your callers to listen to each time they call you, before mtn stopped it; MTN CallerFeel, is another service that allows you personalize, customize a short text that your callers will see when they call you.

It allows you as an MTN subscriber to express yourself to your callers through screen display text. Once opted for, your chosen text will appear as a pop up notification on your callers screen no matter the type of phone. Same way MTN uses to inform you on Zone tariff how much they’re bill on calls just before the phone starts ringing.


Uses Of MTN CallerFeel

  • Promoting your business
  • Self Expression
  • Sharing Of Inspirational quotes, jokes, preachings etc
  • To Show Care to you callers
  • Sharing Special moments
  • Give a brief description about yourself to 1st time callers

See: Android Soft Keys Not Working? – How To Use Phone Without Them (Onscreen Alternatives)
How To Use Callerfeel for Advertising?

Your feature depends immensely on how creative you are today. Advertising/marketing simply means placing your wares in front where people can see it, and possibly patronize you. MTN has done well by bringing this platform. Although its not free (N50 per month), its cheap and affordable.

Say you are a reseller of MTN & Etisalat data bundles, Imagine yourself receiving calls from different people everyday: Friends, families, enemies, People you just met etc. Whom may or may not know about your services. Its not everything you have to say yourself. Express them instead! To promote your business, Creating a catchy short message that each and everyone of this callers will read each time they call can do the magic and get you new and loyal customers daily. See the image below

MTN Callerfeel Message

Tips: The character limit is 150. For effective marketing, just be sure to make your message simple, short and catchy.

Subscription Code To Opt For MTN Callerfeel




To 50016













It comes with a 7days free trial. You can text YES to 50016 for the free trial. Then if you choose to register afterward, you can text STOP to 50016 to opt out at anytime or stop auto renewal. Text View to 50016 to see your current callerfeel message. To copy other peoples callerfeel, just press # when the person you are calling answers the phone. For other features such as setting the time to display callerfeel see the FAQ section here. 

Whats your take? Have you been using this services? How has it helped you?