How to Increase your Android phone RAM up to 4GB
Are you still trapped in the pass with phones that have less than 1GB RAM? Have you noticed your Android apps in background closing Automatically when you open and minimize too many apps? Does your Android device process file like Snail?
Well, if you have all this issues or one of this issues, im glad to annouce to you a lasting solution to your current predicament Providing you’ll be able to take all the risk involved.
the above tutorial is likely to harm or damage your memory SD-card or even brick your phone.. Don’t blame the author of this post provided any of the above incident occur.
Make sure you follow Instructions properly. You can check the latest version of the roehsof ram expander here
How to increase your Android phones RAM Easily
MemoryInfo Swapfile Check.apk Download
roehsoft ram expander Download
- Launch memory info Swap file to check if your device Kernel is compatible with Roehsoft ram expander
- Launch Roehsoft ram expander then click the option menu on your phone then you select SWAPDIR
- Four Diff storage part will appear for you to choose the one you wanna swap
- Choose if you wanna use your phone memory or SD card Memory
- Select the amount of Ram space you want.
- Activate the ram expander and wait for it to finished creating the swap file.
- Hurray, you now have enough RAM space for you phone.. enjoy.
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